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Connect With Your Customers Effectively on Social Media

02 November 2018
Connect With Your Customers Effectively on Social Media

Have you ever heard the saying, “People want to do business with people they like”? It’s one of the quotes that has stuck with us. With social media becoming increasingly popular for individuals and brands alike, this quote neatly sums up how we as businesses should utilize each social media platform. Allow me to explain.

It’s human nature to desire relationships and connections with other people and it doesn’t stop there. This tendency also applies to businesses on social media. People want to engage and connect with what interests them. As problem solvers, it’s your duty to offer this to your customers. Gone are the days of people consuming poor content solely because it’s available. People will engage with content that interests them and draws them in.

We know you want to promote your products and services to your audience. But there’s a way to go about it that will create value for the customer and serve your goals as well. For instance, if you are in retail, have you considered doing a product demo on Facebook live video? When appropriate, you could use relevant pop culture related content to make your posts interesting.

When you as a consumer encounter at least 5,000 times per day*, it’s easy to turn off continual sales posts from pages in which you subscribe; especially if that’s what everyone else is doing. This is why the relational model of social media works well; it does in fact have social in the name. Connect with your subscribers and followers to make your social media less transactional and more relational. In turn, your subscribers will be more receptive to your messages and will be more likely to consider your business when their needs match with your product or service.

Next time, when you post, keep these points in mind:

Connect with your consumers on a relational level. Start and continue a “conversation” by providing your subscribers with relevant content they want to absorb and engage with. In turn, you will cultivate a trust with your subscribers and build your relationship.

Find new and innovative ways to get your message across. A good rule of thumb to remember is to ask yourself if you would be interested in the content you’re posting if you were your subscriber or follower. If not, then you should think twice about posting the content.

Create value to your customers through the content you give them. Look to help them versus only selling to them. Look into the capabilities of video on each platform. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just real and interesting. Let your followers and subscribers see your business and why you’re passionate about helping them through providing your product or service.

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