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How Social Media is Helping Your Business during COVID-19

21 May 2020
How Social Media is Helping Your Business during COVID-19
With more people staying home, more are logging their hours on social media during COVID-19. So, what are social media platforms doing during this uncertain time to entertain all the individuals working from home in isolation?


Pinterest has been focusing on the rise of online shopping. They have launched a Verified Merchant program, to make it easier for users to shop directly through the platform. It is now easier than ever to shop from boards, searches, and pins.


LinkedIn has recently made online courses available to help all those stuck inside. But more recently, the platform has made courses focusing on mindfulness and mental health available. This unfamiliar period has led to an increased amount of stress for many. With many events
being canceled due to COVID-19, LinkedIn is making its Events option available to all companies.


Social Media during COVID-19 has become the source of news for many people. Facebook has been trying to keep its users informed when it comes to COVID-19. It has added pop-ups to COVID-19 related groups that will allow members to see more information. Facebook has also launched a new app called Tuned to allow couples to share private engagements on social platforms. This gives couples separated in quarantine the opportunity to connect privately but socially. We all know Facebook has come under a lot of scrutiny when it comes to security. They have released tips to keep your information secure while working from home during this quarantine.


The CEO of Twitter has decided to move $1 Billion dollars of his personal share of equity to fund COVID-19 efforts.


Snapchat has always put a lot of focus on their Lens experiences. They recently launched a lens that will show you facts from the World Health Organization if you scan money from your nation.
As everyone feels the effects of COVID-19, social media platforms are doing what they can to bring new features to users in isolation.
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Ad Cast Episode 31 – COVID 19 SPECIAL with Scott DeMalteris
AdCast Episode 32 – Let’s talk Social with Annika Kraft
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