Media Consumption Has Changed
If you’re being honest, you’ve sat down to watch TV with another device in your hands. Not only that, but you’ve actively used another device while watching television. People are tired of being sold to all of the time. While your customers expect the hard sell on TV, they go online to escape, to connect, and to curate their own experience. Knowing how your audience consumes media and what interests them will help you create content they’ll be willing to engage with and ideally move the customer further down the sales funnel.
Increased Capabilities
When you advertise online, you have the ability to hyper focus on your core audience unlike TV. With this increased targeting, your message has the ability to speak directly to a specific customer. For instance, in automotive you can target a sector called auto intenders. These are the people that are actively looking to purchase a vehicle. Therefore, your creative may not have to be as hard-hitting. You can take the opportunity here to make your brand top of mind until the time to purchase arrives. And you can leave the hard hitting sales messages to the television viewer browsing on their cellphone or tablet.
Your Audience Expects It
There’s a saying that rings true to this time in marketing, “Content is king”. With the advent of the content marketing revolution, the time for high quality content is now. Businesses and brands are beginning to realize the importance of high quality content customers are searching for. This is the time to create value, build trust, and connect. In this world of instant gratification, people are impatient and have low tolerance. Why is this important to know? If you’re not willing to provide what your customers are looking for, they’re going to find someone that will.
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