Search engine optimization (SEO) trends can help guide your website and digital marketing improvements that drive traffic, brand recognition, and revenue. SEO generates more organic traffic to your site and ranks it as a trustworthy brand in your field of expertise. While SEO is an effective way of attracting customers to your website, you need to use it the right way. Here are 10 important 2021 SEO trends you need to know.

1.    Focus on User + Search Intent

User and search intent is not a new concept but you need to refocus every year because searcher intent and behavior keep changing every time. Google is a place to go when people want an answer to a question or to learn more about something. When you understand the nature of why people search and help them with content that provides answers, you’ll benefit. You need to transition away from traditional best practices that hold less value as the algorithms get stronger and focus more on a better understanding of what’s happening within the searcher’s intent.

2.    Make it Mobile

About 52% of all global website traffic comes from mobile phones. This means that mobile-first indexing is a key area to consider when optimizing for SEO. When people want to quickly look up or buy something, they immediately turn to their mobile devices for answers. You need to make your content mobile-responsive and user-friendly. Formatting your content for mobile is an easy way to drive up your content’s traffic and engagement rates. By making your content mobile-friendly, you’ll start to develop a mobile SEO strategy. You should also compare mobile and desktop keywords to discover insights into mobile-driven analytics.

3.    Core Web Vitals

Currently, Google pays close attention to Core Web Vitals when ranking a site. Core Web Vitals involve various aspects, such as page loading speed, the site’s interactivity, and how fast a site stabilizes when browsing a given page. These features are leading ranking factors for a site’s organic appearance on top of search engine results. Other related essentials include safe browsing and mobile-friendliness. When your site follows Core Web Vitals, it ensures a good user experience and better SEO performance.

4.    Relevant and Valuable Content

Almost all the factors analyzed by search engines’ algorithms are in one way or another related to the user experience. This means that you need to produce relevant and valuable content for the buyer’s persona. For visitors to feel satisfied after accessing your website, they have to find authentic content that delivers what they are looking for. If this doesn’t happen, users will quickly get out of your website and choose other options present in the SERP. The increase in bounce rate and the decrease in the number of satisfied users affect your brand’s general reputation and digital authority.  To achieve and maintain good SEO results for , it is imperative to create relevant and valuable content.

5.    Increase in Artificial Intelligence Role in SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how people interact with online content. Google’s AI algorithm plays an important role in ranking factors for search engine results pages (SERPs). AI can help you collect important user data and understand how your customers behave. With the data, you’ll be able to develop user-focused content that meets their immediate needs. AI helps you to captivate and engage readers with useful, well-organized content.

6.    Customer Analytics, Retention, and Lifetime Value

SEO trends used to be about driving traffic, but it’s now evolving into much more. With Google evolving faster and faster to give instant user satisfaction, taking responsibility beyond visits, as well as incorporating user experience, conversion, and revenue is important for your company. You should understand what your customers are doing, how they are doing it, and how you can help them do it quicker. This will improve your customer retention and increase customer lifetime value.

7.    Voice Search

There is no doubt that voice search adoption will continue to grow and aid end-users in their search for products and solutions. Understanding the intent of voice searches enables you to structure your website by preemptively answering questions that your users are actively searching for. Keywords that people use on their keyboards are often totally different than those done via voice search. Thus, optimize for long-tail keywords that people use in their daily conversations.

8.    Capitalize on Video Content

Providing video content is an effective way of speaking about your brand and the services you offer. You, therefore, need to interact with your current and future customers through video content. Users are more likely to visit your site by watching video content concerning your company than just reading an article or seeing an ad. Videos usually grasp the user’s attention and build trust between them and the brand. Thus, promote your brand awareness on platforms like YouTube.

9.    Featured Snippets

Featured snippets, also known as position zero, usually appear at the top of SERP. These results have been selected by search engines as highly useful in sharing information with end-users. Featured snippets typically come from pages that already rank in the top 10 for a specific search query. This is why you need to develop a strong SEO strategy that focuses on ranking high for profitable keywords. To improve your position in the featured snippet, you have to answer specific questions with well-structured content.

10.    SEO Scalability

You need to build scalability into your SEO if you’re going to get ahead of your competition. List all the tasks, processes, and workflows you do on a regular basis and determine the steps that require automation. Also, set up an alert system that monitors significant changes to things like rankings of your important keywords. You can also establish standard operating procedures (SoPs) for any regular tasks you can’t automate to avoid wasting time trying to reinvent them each time they are to be performed. You may look VIP Marketing for the SEO services in Charleston.

Using these SEO trends will help you drive relevant traffic to your website, increase conversions, and meet your organizational goals. Contact us to VIP blog and get started with more SEO insights.