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4 Ways to Maximize Your Social Media Presence

15 June 2021
4 Ways to Maximize Your Social Media Presence

At the start of 2021, there were about 4.33 billion social media users around the world. Social media has taken the online world by storm. Today, these social networks are a powerful digital tool that you can utilize to create and share content with other users. However, to be successful with social media, you need to be familiar with the specific sites you intend to use, understand your target audience and have a solid strategy.

Here are a few ways to make the most of these platforms.


Social media is always changing and so are the top platforms. From time to time, the different social media platforms will introduce new features, change their algorithms and adjust other standards. In terms of usage, there is currently a shift to visuals, and live streaming is becoming increasingly popular. To achieve success, make sure you keep up with these changes to most effectively reach your followers.

Staying on top of digital trends will help you be aware of the latest changes and adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape. It is also important to update your strategy regularly, and learn and practice new techniques. Experimenting with different tactics will enable you to determine what works and what does not. This way, you will be in a better position to improve your social media strategy.


Each social media platform is different in how it presents content to users. Similarly, every social media site has its own audience, each with different expectations in terms of the type of content they are interested in. This means that not all content is a good fit on every platform. To ensure your social content is displayed efficiently, you should understand how these platforms work and capitalize on their uniqueness.

When molding your content to each platform, you should think about how people use the different social media outlets. Generally, Facebook is all about connection, Instagram users look for trends and inspirational content, Twitter users want to keep up with news and trends, and Google users are keen on learning. In the end, the platforms you choose should help you achieve your goals.


When using social media, you will primarily be looking to either inform or entertain your audience. Social media is an extension of your brand and a highly effective way of connecting with both your existing and potential customers. As such, you should not treat it as a digital billboard especially when it comes to organic posts. Your audience expects you to engage. Also, social media posts with meaningful interaction will reach a wider audience.

To increase engagement, you need to provide your audience with relevant content and include high-quality visuals. You can also consider using influencers to share content as well as creating a conversation so that your audience can keep talking about you. Lastly, you have to be social. This means actively listening and responding to your audience’s needs, requests and content.


Having a social media presence alone is not enough. You have to ensure that things are done correctly and in line with your objectives. In short, you need to have a solid social media strategy if your social media efforts are to bear fruit. Creating and sticking to your plan will go a long way in helping you maximize your social media presence and use. However, the strategy has to be flexible in order to accommodate changes along the way.

Some items to take into account when creating a plan are your current social presence, your ideal customer, key success metrics, your content calendar, and how to track performance and optimize your strategy.

Getting started with social media marketing can seem intimidating. This is why you may want to consider enlisting professional help. Eric Elliot and the team at VIP Marketing have the expertise and experience required to enable you to achieve your marketing objectives. Contact us today to begin the proper strategy and execution for your business.

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