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5 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best SEO Company

11 November 2021
 how to choose an seo company

Marketing is a crucial element for businesses that are seeking consistent revenue growth. In the current digital world, online presence is a basic recipe in the sales process. As such, companies recruit SEO companies to enhance their digital visibility.

Even so, you want to select an agency that’ll bring results and a correspondingly high return on investment. Equally, it’s vital to work with a firm that is accountable with its methodology to avoid penalties from search engines.

So, how do you choose the best SEO company with numerous options in the market?

1. Company Methodology

There are unique challenges to each company, which is why there are no standard solutions. You should therefore find out how an SEO firm will approach the work. Some firms are experts at on-page, while others concentrate on off-page SEO.

Here’s a brief guide on how to vet the firm’s methodology:

  • Keep Off Black-hat Strategies: Google is against websites that use shortcuts to improve their SEO rating. These strategies include keyword stuffing, link schemes, content automation, or automated link building. You can identify such a firm by looking at their marketing messages. Usually, they offer guarantees or promise results within a short period. Instead, go for a firm that uses acceptable tactics, e.g., quality content, website design, mobile optimization, and keyword research.

  • Off-page or On-page SEO: If you want to grow your revenues from $3M to $5M, it’s crucial to conduct a comprehensive site review. Off-page SEO involves link building and blogger outreach, while on-page SEO may include site navigation, site speed, or cleaning code. Both off-page and on-page SEO work together to enhance the ability of a business to generate revenue. Therefore, it’s vital to hire a company that understands all aspects of SEO—including technical, for the best results.

2. Reputation

Most companies invest resources to create marketing slogans and attractive sites that may paint the wrong impression of their services. It’s, therefore, crucial to go beyond the promise and find out how the public perceives the company. Prior knowledge of customer perception is a crucial step that prevents you from making a wrong hiring decision.

Here’s how you can assess a company’s reputation.

Check Reviews: Reviews from past customers is a source of general information and perception of a brand. You can check customers’ perceptions on social media, Yelp, or Google. It’s essential to check how an SEO company responds to bad reviews to understand their customer support.

A point to note: Third-party sites like Glassdoor, Yelp, or Yellow pages provide more authentic reviews than social media or Google My Business. Equally, a business that responds to negative and positive reviews portrays a high level of transparency.

Social Media: There are numerous discussions on different platforms on social media. A general search on Twitter, for instance, can provide either negative, positive, or recommendations for the target company. Alternatively, if you’re looking for the best SEO company in Charleston, SC, ask for recommendations from a Facebook group or from your social media timeline.

3. A Professional Team

The quality of work has a direct correlation with a competent and professional team. A highly qualified and experienced team is more likely to enhance your search engine rankings. You can find these details on the website.

Most SEO agencies offer a mix of services ranging from web development, content creation, search marketing, and social media services. Check the team to ensure it has a healthy mix of professionals, e.g., coders, social media managers, software engineers, graphic designers, and experienced SEO managers.

Most companies also publish the companies they’ve worked for in the past. Check whether these companies are big brands, earning approximately $3M annually. An SEO firm that has worked for clients in the above revenue range is better prepared to handle your site SEO.

4. Communication

Excellent communication plays a key role while executing a project. Therefore, the ideal SEO firm should keep open lines for updates, reports, suggestions, or if you need to amend the scheme. Typically, the head of business will allocate you an account manager to assist you during the project period. Even so, there are fundamental indicators that can point to the type of communication to expect.

Here’s a list of indicators:

  • Live Chat Software: Most companies have integrated websites with a live chat support system. The system allows a customer care representative to offer text-based support to website visitors using a pop-up text box. This technology enhances communication instead of reaching employees via phone. A firm with live chat software makes the project execution seamless.
  • Email Support: Email support enhances communication by offering a platform to send large volumes of information. In addition, employees can also provide standard and professional customer service. Ultimately, you’d like a firm that is available and easy to reach. The best SEO agency should also have clear guidelines on when to provide reports or updates, either daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or any other schedule.

5. Your Budget

Before selecting the ideal agency, it’s also crucial to set a limit on what you’re willing to invest. Typically, a routine SEO upgrade may cost a few hundred dollars, while a comprehensive or competitive SEO upgrade may cost thousands of dollars.

Equally, you’ll need to factor in terms of payment— some companies require an upfront fee while others may have extra charges. The best idea is to request a few quotes that’ll enable you to perform a comparative price analysis.

If you’re planning to conduct continuous SEO, check for a subscription service. As a member, you’ll benefit from in-house discounts and better service. The long-term engagement will accord them sufficient time to analyze, implement, and assess results.

A point to note: Don’t settle for the lowest bid; look for other factors like quality, additional services, and reputation in the market.

6. Case Studio and Portfolio

An SEO company’s portfolio and case studies provide tangible evidence of its capabilities and successes. Reviewing these documents can give you insights into the firm's approach, the industries they have served, and the results they have achieved.

Here’s how to evaluate an SEO company’s case studies and portfolio:

  • Look for Relevant Experience: Check if the company has experience in your industry. This can be a strong indicator that they understand the specific challenges and opportunities within your market.
  • Assess Results: Case studies should highlight key metrics like increases in organic traffic, improved search engine rankings, and conversion rates. Look for detailed examples of how the company helped clients achieve their SEO goals.
  • Client Testimonials: Testimonials in case studies add credibility. Positive feedback from previous clients, especially those with similar business models or goals, can be reassuring.

By carefully reviewing case studies and portfolios, you can gauge the potential effectiveness of the SEO company for your own business needs.

7. Transparency and Reporting

Transparency in operations and consistent reporting are critical when working with an SEO agency. You need to know what strategies are being implemented and how your investment is translating into results.

Here’s how to ensure an SEO company is transparent and offers effective reporting:

  • Detailed Reporting: The SEO company should provide comprehensive reports that include data on keyword rankings, organic traffic, and backlink profiles. Reports should be easy to understand and include insights that help you make informed decisions.
  • Regular Updates: Opt for a firm that commits to regular updates and meetings. These can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your preference. Regular communication ensures you stay informed about the progress and any adjustments needed in the strategy.
  • Access to Tools: Some SEO companies offer clients access to SEO tools or dashboards where they can monitor progress in real-time. This level of transparency can be very beneficial in understanding the ongoing efforts and results.

Try VIP Marketing SEO Services

The search engine optimization process is both expensive and crucial for the success of any business. Therefore, it pays to take time to evaluate critical factors like methodology or reputation.

That said, it’s prudent to trust a firm like VIP Marketing which is the best SEO company in Charleston, SC. We have a team of digital marketing experts ready to assist you. We have helped companies from different industries, e.g. an automotive dealership that increased leads by 68% and sales by 51% for four consecutive months. Hire VIP Marketing today for excellent results.

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