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Four Ways Law Firms Can Market To Potential Clients

19 March 2018
Four Ways Law Firms Can Market To Potential Clients

Law practice is a challenging industry to advertise. It is something most will end up needing at some point, yet something the general public knows little about. Many law firms experience difficulty effectively describing their services to their prospective clients. Being conscious of language simplification, oversharing, word-of-mouth advertising and empathy will help improve the visibility and understanding of your firm and their services.

Language Simplification

The jargon of law practice is wildly complicated and almost completely inaccessible to the average person. It is human nature to reject that which we do not understand. People will stop reading, or listening rather than feel as if they do not understand something. It then becomes your job to explain the intricacies of your services using everyday language. People employ attorneys to navigate the complicated language of the law. They shouldn’t require one to understand what type of service they need or you provide. Keep it simple, know the audience you write for.

Cut Back on Information

Ranking systems abound in the world of law. Considering Avvo Ratings, Law School specs, and caseload demographics, resumes can certainly exceed one full page. What makes you credible in the circle of your peers is excess information that your clientele cannot and will not take into consideration because it is meaningless to them. Take some time to scroll the about your section of your website. Is it bogged down with hyper-professional jargon? Get rid of that. Potential clients want to know if you can help their current situation and they want a yes or a no immediately. They don’t want to sift through accolades they cannot decode to understand if you’ll be of use to them. Remember your competitors and peers do not keep the lights on. Your clients do. Make your information impressive to them instead. Here is an additional article on how to balance your firm’s marketing efforts.

Encourage Word of Mouth Advertising

Everyone hates an automated phone menu. They want a person to talk to, no numbers pressed. They will always be more likely to utilize a service someone they know has previously used. Law firms can market this way very effectively. Word of mouth is fantastic in any business because it is free. Utilize it. The most effective way to market to your target client is from the mouth of another target client. It’s a perfect match. They will do the language simplification for you and provide only relevant and action-based information. They will also be able to answer the questions that usually fall on the firm.


People needing assistance with the law are likely going through a hard time. The foundation of most firms is to help people through those hard times and you can bolster your professional help with some added humanity and understanding of the person’s individual situation. This will be a direct link back to the word-of-mouth advertising as well as added credibility to your company. Empathy will go a long way for the needs of your clients and your firm.

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