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Generation-Z Dominating the Market || Tuesday Tea


Generation-Z. You hear about this group, but how do they impact the market and how YOU run your business?

Gen-Z Won’t Touch That

COVID is changing EVERYTHING…and Gen-Z is leading the charge, literally.

How you pay for things may switch over to 100 percent contactless, thanks to Generation-Z and Millennials

Ironically enough, contactless payments – like Apple Pay – were born around the same time as Gen-Z. 

AND that’s still debatable.

Not only does this make Gen-Z extremely tech-savvy, but they’re also extremely influential and adaptable at the same time. A dangerous combination. 

Gen-Z and TikTok

A prime example of Gen-Z using their phone for EVERYTHING – TikTok. And this is why Gen-Z is controlling the marketing right now. 

TikTok recently launched marketing on the platform because TikTok. 

But that move brought them to number 79 on Brand Z’s Top Brands list. Amazon is number 1 to give you an idea of that sizzler of a list.

This is all because TikTok dominates both the Social Effect – social media being the TOP way of marketing – AND shopping influence.

social media tiktok

Instagram Scrolling to Keep Up

Remember when I said Gen-Z is both influential AND adaptable?

TikTok has become Gen-Z’s go-to platform. Slowly pushing Instagram out of 1080 by 1080 pixels. 

So, to keep up, Instagram is attempting to adopt TikTok’s video-scroll feature. 

Which MORE steaming hot tea here because Facebook AND Twitter AND Snapchat all copied their UI design — aka the endless scroll — from Instagram