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Handling Client Complaints

24 October 2018
Handling Client Complaints

Immediate reaction after a customer complains is not usually a great one. Take this uncomfortable moment and make it an opportunity to grow. Apologize and get the facts before responding. This will allow your company to respond effectively and appropriately.

Use this complaint as feedback for your company and learn to grow from it. Most of the time a customer or client is complaining because they have received better service from your business previously and their expectations are high. This is in no means a bad thing, raising your customers’ expectations is great, but it also comes with being able to continually deliver these high-end results. If you listen and understand your client, you are able to repair the mistake and exceed your clients’ expectations even more. If you are working hard and finding a solution immediately it shows to your customer or client that you care about them. After everything is handled it is useful to follow up but immediately move on after. Let this issue be one of the past and continue to deliver exceptional results. Nine times out of ten a customer or client will continue business with your company if the complaint was handled properly.

At VIP Marketing & Advertising, we value our clients’ opinions and take all of their comments into consideration. There are the activist complainers who have no intention of helping your company though. In that case, it is okay to let this customer or client go because they will end up requiring more work than it is worth. These complaints are not worth your breath.

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