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How Facebook Has Changed the World of Marketing

08 September 2020
How Facebook Has Changed the World of Marketing

Since its establishment in 2004, Facebook has influenced in an unprecedented way how people connect and communicate. In turn, it has changed how marketers approach their audience and market in general. The platform’s leverage lies in its ability to attract a huge following, with current statistics placing the number of daily users at 1.69 billion. This allows small businesses and corporations alike to enjoy a broad and diverse audience to sell products and services. In Facebook’s sixteen years of growth, much has changed to give it an edge as one of the most effective marketing platforms. The following marketing trends will show you how Facebook has changed the world with respect to marketing.

Chatbot marketing

With over 80 percent of consumers expecting quick responses to their inquiries, you cannot afford to operate without a chatbot. This technology ensures you are able to keep conversations with your clients going even in your absence. They can also recommend products, give recommendations, among other roles. As such, they can help to retain customers as well as convert the audience to loyal clients.

Businesses are now adopting the chatbot marketing technology to make operations efficient. Statistically, those that have been successful have recorded a high conversion rate. This is critical to ensuring a high return on investment.

Video marketing

E-commerce brands can attest to the power of video marketing, which they have hailed as integral in increasing the rate of conversion: Due to its ability to catch attention, consumers are more likely to pay attention to a new product when watching it in a video. Thankfully, Facebook has invested in video streams, allowing marketers to showcase products and interact with audiences in real-time. This means that businesses have a better opportunity to present themselves more efficiently to their audience as they look to expand their networks.


Personalization has become huge leverage in the world of marketing. This is more so because brands can create content, products, or messages that target a specific audience. Indeed, this has more benefits than sending generic messages that do not take into consideration the interests of the target consumers.

As studies show, 83 percent of customers tend to buy a product that tickles their interest. Moreover, personalized messages are three times more likely to convert than generic ones, which also shows how Facebook has changed the world, and specifically in marketing.

Facebook stories

Facebook Stories is a feature that allows you to share updates of your brand using photos and videos. Here, your content will be visible for up to 24 hours. This gives your audience ample time to interact with your message. It is particularly efficient in increasing brand awareness among younger people. In addition to creating authenticity for your business, Facebook Stories can help keep your brand in the minds of your audience, and consequently, boost the number of consumers.

Community and user-generated content

Every business seeks to build a community around it since it (community) works to increase brand awareness. Although it might take a while before you build a loyal customer base, it can go a long way in selling your brand and increasing sales. Furthermore, a community will give you user-generated content that can help tailor your products to suit the needs of your customers. This information can also serve as testimonies for your exceptional services, and for that, add to your growing consumer base.

Social commerce

Social media and e-commerce have become inseparable, with Facebook leading this integration. Among its recent features is a marketplace where users can purchase products directly from sponsored posts. As a brand, you only need to post a product and market it to attract the right audience. People are always checking their social media. You can be confident that someone will make a purchase or even inform a friend about your products.

Learn How Facebook Can Change Your Marketing World

No doubt, Facebook has grown over the years to become a marketing giant. With a well-planned strategy on how to use the platform, marketers can take advantage of the new and effective trends to expand their brands and increase their ROI.

Is your business maximizing Facebook’s marketing capabilities? VIP Marketing and Advertising can help you develop a digital marketing agency that will put your business on the digital map. Contact us for consultations and professional advice!

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