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Three Ways To Empower Your Team

27 February 2018
Three Ways To Empower Your Team

People make the practice. In every field, the team drives the success of the business. No one person can run a successful company. Half the battle is finding the right people to place in the right seats to ensure success. A good leader empowers. Leaders who work with their staff have much higher success rates than those who don’t. Here are three tactics you can use to unify and ignite your perfect team.

Your team is how your business finds success. There is no reason to keep them in the dark as far as goals are concerned. They are the people that are making the sales happen. If you know you need to sell a specific number of units, tell them that, and incentivize them further than what their job entails. People love friendly competition and often thrive when asked to compete with their peers. This can be very effective for both morale and results. Competition and incentives aside, having an open and trusting dialogue with your employees about the state of the business promotes trust and an atmosphere where they can understand their singular importance to the company.

The world of technology and social media we live in today has radically impacted the way we buy and sell. Not only in the logistical sense as far as deliveries such as Amazon are concerned, but with our access to information. Information on any subject can be found at the click of a button turning interests into obsessions and eventually educations. Today’s buyers are incredibly well-educated and have done research on what exactly they expect from your product. Nothing looks worse on the business than the customer knowing more about the service or inventory than the associates. This can be avoided by educating your team. They should be experts in whatever field you’re in. Teaching them about the industry or product will protect your reputation. Don’t let your company look inferior in the eyes of a self-educated customer.

One of the most effective leadership techniques is to be there with your team. Invisible leadership roles are never as well respected or invested in by their team as boots-on-the-ground style leadership. Participating in the day-to-day operations with your team allows you to demonstrate your own investment in the company while exhibiting respect and trust by not micromanaging. The best leaders will play an active role in the day-to-day but allow those they hired and trusted in the first place to do their jobs.

Following these three practices will cultivate an empowered employee base and drive the success of your company forward. Education, engagement, and respect will go a long way with the team you surround yourself with and advancement is rapid when there exists a shared vision.

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