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Making a Splash:

A Bold Introduction to the Next Generation Law Firm

The Challenge

Ted Law Firm faced the challenge of debuting on the most saturated day of advertising— Super Bowl Sunday. This was their first time ever advertising on television, and the goal was to make an immediate impact. You usually here lawyers say “we fight”, but we were fighting for one thing, attention. The commercial needed to stand out in a crowded field of big-budget ads, capturing viewers' attention who are often bombarded with over-the-top visuals and clever concepts. More importantly, the ad had to introduce Ted Sink in a way that was memorable and distinctive, without being overly dramatic or clichéd.

The Solution

To meet these challenges, we had to think outside of the box and create a concept that was like no other. The commercial featured Ted Sink in a series of eye-catching scenes, starting with a dramatic desk flip, a skeleton lawyer, and a client testimonial, followed by appearances from the most iconic insurance mascots. 

Our team decided that virtual production would be the best solution for this commercial.  This advanced technology allowed us to create multiple sets and backgrounds without the logistical challenges of various physical locations. That’s right, we shot this entire ad on a 40x15 ft LED wall. This approach was ideal given our tight schedule, allowing us to shoot the entire commercial in just one day.
A Bold Introduction
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Next Generation
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The Result

The final product was a highly creative and engaging Super Bowl commercial that introduced Ted Law to the South Carolina market with impact. This ad captured viewers' attention from start to finish, creating the right balance between entertaining and professional. Virtual production not only streamlined the production process, but also set the commercial apart from others. The commercial was well-received, achieving the goals of raising brand awareness and establishing a memorable presence for Ted Law Firm in the competitive legal market.