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How to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Written by Eric Elliott | Aug 11, 2022 4:00:00 AM

A digital marketing agency can help ensure your law firm’s website, social media presence, and online reputation boost your business rather than hurt it. If you’re considering hiring an agency to handle your law firm’s online marketing and outreach, then you need to read this guide on hiring a digital marketing agency to make sure you pick the right one for your needs and budget. We’ll cover everything from finding the right agency to avoiding common pitfalls that agencies can present along the way.

How much does a digital marketing agency cost?

You may wonder how much it will cost to hire a digital marketing agency. It depends on the size of your law firm and the services you require. Typically, agencies charge between $2,500 and $10,000 per month. However, some digital marketing firms can charge up to $25,000 per month.

How do I choose an agency?

There are a few things you should take into consideration when hiring a digital marketing agency. First, you need to identify your needs. What do you hope to achieve with digital marketing? Once you know your goals, you can start looking for an agency that specializes in the services you need, whether SEO, PPC or something else.

What metrics should I consider?

When you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency, you should consider more than just their portfolio. Here are some important metrics to keep in mind:

  •  How well does the agency understand your law firm’s unique needs?
  •  What is the agency’s success rate with other law firms?
  •  What do their past clients say about them?
  •  How much experience does the agency have with SEO and PPC?
  •  What is the agency’s pricing structure?
  •  Is the agency doing the work in-house, or are they outsourcing?

What are the costs of hiring an independent contractor vs. an in-house employee?

If you’re considering hiring a digital marketing agency to help promote your law firm, you may wonder about the cost. Hiring an independent contractor can be more expensive than hiring an in-house employee, but it also has some benefits. Depending on your agreement with the contractor, they can work on your project alone or on multiple projects simultaneously. Additionally, contractors usually have more experience than in-house employees and, in many cases, can bring a lot of experience to the table in terms of working on your project.

What are success stories I can study?

As you research law firm digital marketing agencies, look for case studies or success stories on their website. This will give you an idea of whether or not they can deliver results. Also, try to find out if they have experience working with law firms. The agency you choose must understand the unique needs of your industry.

When and how do I get started?

Now that you’ve decided to take the plunge and hire a law firm digital marketing agency, it’s time to get started. The first step is figuring out what your needs are. What are your goals? What do you want to achieve? Once you know this, you can start looking for an agency that specializes in law firm digital marketing. Digital marketing services like SEO are not a quick fix, so it is good to establish benchmarks upfront before you begin any relationship. Establishing KPIs (key performance indicators) with measurable numbers will help measure the success of your campaign. It is also essential to find an agency with experience working with legal firms, which VIP Marketing does!